Exam guide
Your personal guide for the training as a motorcyclist
Here we give you an overview of all the points relevant to the exam, which you need to consider. From fees to motorcycle inspection, we show you everything.
Checklist for the motorcycle test
According to the requirements of the cantonal road traffic offices of Schwyz and Zurich, you must bring the following documents to the examination:
- Valid learner's permit - the signed original must be presented at the test
- The original of the motorcycle driving license of your test vehicle
- Canton Schwyz: examination fee CHF 120.- / driving license: CHF 60.- (if you already have a driving license: CHF 40.-)
- Canton of Zurich: invitation letter, passport, or ID (the canton of Zurich will send you an invoice for the examination fee)
Motorcycle check:
Naturally, your test vehicle must be in perfect, cleaned condition. Therefore, check the following points:
- Tire tread: 1.6mm, air pressure, no cracks
- Full tank, oil checked, chain lubricated
- Mirrors left and right present
- All lights are intact
- Pillion is mounted (seat and rests)
- Brake and clutch levers are intact
An appropriate motorcycle clothing ensures your safety and is also a self-evident requirement during the test.
- Approved safety helmet with visor or goggles
- Motorcycle jacket and raincoat depending on the weather
- Motorcycle pants
- Motorcycle shoes
All clothing must be made of abrasion and tear-resistant material and have protectors.
The maneuvers for the practical motorcycle test includes the following exercises:

- Exercise 1 - Stopping and driving away with gaze systematics
Do not drive too fast, so that you have enough time for the gaze systematics and the control gaze. Always place your left foot on the ground when stopping. Use the gaze system also when driving away. - Exercise 2 - Straight slalom
Drive slowly and steadily. Look ahead, not at the pylons.
Cat. A1: The required distance to the pylons is 2.5 m.
Cat. A: The required distance to the pylons is 3.0 m. - Exercise 3 - Climbing
Climb slowly from the start position to the trestle. Both feet are on the ground (walking with motorcycle). Climb up the trestle with gas and clutch or only gas (automatic). Stay on top without braking, always looking forward. - Exercise 4 - Staggered slalom
Drive slowly and steadily. Eyes travel ahead of the track. Do not look too close to the motorcycle, but always look ahead to the next pivot point.
pivot point.
Cat. A1: The larger radius is required.
Cat. A: The smaller radius is required. - Exercise 5 - Lane
Choose your start position about 5 m before the lane, so that you can already enter the lane slowly and stably. Try to drive smoothly with the drag point of the clutch and without braking if possible. Drive so slowly that you pass the lane in 20 to 22 seconds. - Exercise 6 - 8-Driving
Your gaze should be about half a circle ahead, traveling at your pace. Don't direct your gaze too much to the ground or to the intersection. You should be able to drive the 8 as close as possible and at the steering angle. - Exercise 7 - Emergency emergency braking
From your starting position, accelerate to about 50 km/h. Shift to higher gears while accelerating. As soon as you pass the braking point with the front wheel, abruptly apply the brakes. If you have a motorcycle without ABS, you must apply the front brake immediately to avoid locking the front wheel.
You must not knock down any pylons, you must not stand up and you must ride through the course in one piece. Once you have passed this part, you go to the practical driving, which should not be a big problem thanks to your good training with us.
Maneuvering course
The maneuver course in the Tuggen traffic center is open to the public free of charge on Mon./Fri. from 17:00-20:00.