Exam Preparation
The ideal preparation for the practical motorcycle test
Here you will learn everything you need to know to pass the practical motorcycle test. First, all exercises are practiced on our closed-off area, which are then implemented in road traffic.
Course content Exam preparation 1.0:
- Course at test level Kt. SZ
- Seat position and gaze guidance while driving the course
- Braking exercises
- Track design in traffic
- Applying in traffic (incl. riding pillion with the instructor)
Good to know:
- Course duration 3h
- Max. 5 participants
- Closed test area
- Course on test area
- Courses can be booked independently
Exam preparation course 1.0
CHF 150.-
Course content exam preparation 2.0:
- Riding safely in traffic with a pillion passenger
- Driving correctly at intersections
- Driving on the highway
- Driving in traffic
- Adjusting speed in different situations
Good to know:
- Course duration 3h
- Max. 5 participants
- Courses can be booked independently
Exam preparation course 2.0
CHF 150.-
Where we drive
Course location Markus Krieg AG
Good to know
For the course, you must bring your motorcycle and motorcycle gear with a helmet, long motorcycle pants, motorcycle jacket, and gloves. The shoes must reach above the ankle. The course will take place in all weather conditions.
No motorcycle of your own?
We rent various motorcycles at very fair prices. The motorcycles are perfect for the driving lessons, for both the basic course and the exam. We offer a wide range of options from hourly rentals to monthly rentals. You can find all information here.